Automation Wiki

Modding of the legacy Kee Engine version is possible, but discouraged, as this version is no longer in developement.

Modding of the UE4 Version of Automation has become supported at the end of Sept 2017.

You will need to download and install UE4 Editor 4.16.3 From Epic Games, To do this grab the Launcher from here:

Within Steam Go to Library Tools, and download the Automation - Car Company Tycoon Workshop Tools, this contains the mod project for Automation.

Once installed, you can open the AutomationGame project with UE4 Editor. If it asks to update/convert the project. Select Skip Conversion.

Core Concepts

  • Mods in UE4 are Plugins.
  • Do not make any assets in the Root Content folder, Only make assets in your mod's folder.
  • Editor assets cannot be used directly by the game, they have to be cooked. We can only cook your plugin, not our content.
  • Cooking is probably going to be bugged for a few versions, don't worry. Keep making mod stuff and we will get it to work.

Content Browser

  • Click on 'Show or hide sources panel' To the left of the Content Browser Search
  • Click on View Options, Turn on 'Show Plugin Content'. To the bottom right of the Content Browser.
Content Browser Example

Known Issues

  • We have not yet implemented Maps yet, but feel free to start making your own photo scenes, we will support them soon.
  • Cooking is probably broken, we will get this fixed. Modding still doesn't work out of the box in UE4, and we have to cox it into working.
  • We have not yet implemented a way for you to build custom materials for us to load onto cars/fixtures. As we have to replace materials at runtime, we will provide a mechanism for this.

Mod Types


Select Share -> Mod Name to share. CURRENTLY BROKEN


Cooking Workaround

Copy AutomationGame/Build/Camso_UATScripts/bin/Camso_UATScripts.Automation.dll to UE_416/Engine/Binaries/DotNet/AutomationScripts/

To cook, go to UE_416/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/ Shift Rightclick in the folder, Select Open Commandline/Powershell and run:

./RunUAT.bat PackagePlugin -Project=D:/SteamApps/SteamApps/common/Automation_SDK/AutomationGame/AutomationGame.uproject -PluginPath=D:/SteamApps/SteamApps/common/Automation_SDK/AutomationGame/Plugins/ExampleFixtures/ExampleFixtures.uplugin -unversioned -basedonreleaseversion=AutomationVersion0 -StagingDirectory=D:/SteamApps/SteamApps/common/Automation_SDK/Test -Installed -nocompile

Change Project Path Do where the Automation Workshop project is Plugin Path do your plugin/mod StagingDirectory to where you want it to output/save.

NOTE: You may need to open your Commandline/powershell sessions with administrator rights.
